I was reading about the Jayson Williams case today. But more than that, I was reading about the history of Jayson Williams. Here is a guy who has repetedly gotten drunk and made an ass of himself. This is a guy who has repetedly escaped legal charges. This is a guy who has repetedly gotten drunk and played with guns. Finally, it appeared that Jayson had finally gotten himself into more trouble than he would be able to escape. He had shot and killed his limo driver and tried to cover up the incident. There was no way that he could escape the law this time. OJ did it, but there were witnesses this time and he basically admitted to the crime. It would take a miracle for him to beat this case (or millions of dollars to get the best defense team money can buy). And I'll be damned if Jayson didn't beat the charges. He basically got away with killing a guy. He has once again proved the fact that with enough money, you can be above the law. My best friend is on the opposite side of the spectrum. My friend was arrested for asaulting a police officer for alledgedly hitting a police horse. In a crowded downtown atmosphere, this officer who obviously loved her horse very much, pointed at my friend who was just enjoying his own drunkenness. Although this officer could not even give a physical discription remotely close to that of my friend, he was still convicted of these charges and jailed for several months for this ridiculous charge. I have talked to my friend, and he swears that he was completely innocent. He has no reason to lie to me. But because he did not have millions of dollars to buy a defense team, he was forced to sit in jail. This kind of thing happens all the time. Why does a guy who robs a convenience store to feed his family, go to jail longer than a rich CEO who doesn't even need money but steals millions of dollars. Companies like Enron, Adelphia, or Tyco have leaders who have stolen billions of dollars and basically ruined people's confidence to invest in the stock market. Because these people have money, its almost like they have a different set of laws. That just aint right. The people who ran these companies are the greediest people who ever lived on this planet. Thats a fact. This country has a ton of greedy people, and the greediest of the greedy saw what these people did, and said "Wow, that's fucking greedy. I wish I'd thought of that. They just made the numbers up. Fuck, that was simple." Imagine this, a father and two sons run a company called Adelphia, and they each take from this company a billion dollars. Three people take a billion dollars. THREE PEOPLE take a billion dollars! What are they going to do, start their own space program. They used 13 million dollars of company money to build a golf corse in their backyard. I am amazed that the people of this company didn't rise as one and slay them. I never understood why the people of France chopped off Marie Antoinette's head, but now I fucking get it. Dennis Kowslowski runs TYCO, he took 463 million from the company because he had a lot of shit to buy. One purchase he made was a $6000 dollar shower curtain. Why the hell would you spend this much money for a bathroom. You could have a golden toilet, but you're still going to take a dump in it. These people deserve to do hard time for what they did, but they won't. Our president says they should do ten years in prison, but our president is not in touch with reality. He's not, because it's not enough time. It really shows a lack of respect for the people who were fucked over. These people commited crimes, and we don't even know the level of damage that they did. But chances are, they won't even do ten years, they'll get off and not do anywhere near the punishment they deserve. So I say fuck the legal system, send these assholes to the nuthouse. You don't need a judge or a jury. You just need a nine year-old with common sense. All you say is three people took a billion dollars, and the kid goes "That's fucking nuts!" These people should be forced to sit for twenty years next to someone who is crosheying something that isn't there. Justice must be served.
Flip Dizzle,
You know I love you and your sight, and I do agree with you about those millionaire assholes who rob peoples 401k's and shit should do more time than they usually get. I also agree that any kind of person with money has better chacne of getting off than your average Joe.
But you are misinformed on the circumstances, legal statutes, and facts of the Jayson Williams case. First of all most times prior criminal activity has trouble being introduced into another legal proceeding if it is deemed prejusdicial, which it often can be. Also, the prosecution did a poor job of presenting their case, mainly because everyone they had to testify was drunk just like Mr. Williams so their testimony was rather non-credible. Their "star" witness Benoit Benjamins testimony was awful, he flip flopped all over the place and he was the on testifying whether or not Williams had his finger on the trigger. There were also 8 counts, 4 he was convicted on, 2 were hung and 2 he was aquitted. He is going to be re-tried on the involntary mansluaghter and as long as they keep Mr. Benjamin off the stand they will convict of that and he will do jail time. So to say Williams got of, especially right now is wrong.
I Love ya Dizzle
Sorry for the mistake Blas. Ill make sure to do my research next time.
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