Yesterday, queers from around the state gathered in Boston to celebrate the approval of gay marriage in Massachusetts. Yes, the same state that persecuted hundreds of women in the town of Salem because of their magic powers, now has the most tolerant policy on marriage of any state in the U.S. The same state that saw a bunch of oped up old men dress up like indians and dump over a half a million pounds of tea into the harbor has celebrated this event just over 231 years later by bringing together lesbians and gays who share a special love. Massachusetts has once again cemented its legacy in American history. Now homosexuals like Ellen Degenerous, Tracy Chapman, Elton John, and Clay Aiken can sigh a breath of relief because a change has been made. One person you won't see in Boston getting drunk with the gays is flip diesel.
I am not homophobic, and I believe in equal rights and hate discrimination, but I think you have to draw a line somewhere. The principle of marriage was founded with the idea of man and woman. Whoever started this whole marriage thing probably did so without the idea of two guys getting their freak on being brought into discussion. Man was meant to be with woman, and woman was meant to be with man. If you follow common religious practices, besides buddhism, your religion tells you that homosexuality is wrong. If you do not follow any religious teachings, you can look at the simple fact that in nature, more often than not, males mate with females. This is how it has been done throughout time. Last time I checked you still need both a penis and a vagina to make a baby. Sure there is artificial insemination and even cloning, but the origin of creation still remains the same. If we had a planet full of married gay people, we would become extinct. I don't think people should be treated differently because they are gay, but we should not change our traditions that were founded for a specific purpose. Maybe gays have a right to be socially accepted in america. But I do not think it is healthy to celebrate homosexuality, which is what marriage is (a celebration). We should not adapt our culture for something that is unnatural. Hypothetical situation. Say I fall deeply in love with a chimpanzee. I want to spend the rest of my life with this monkey. Should the laws be changed so that I can marry this monkey and collect tax benefits? No, I would have to deal with the fact that my feelings were unnatural, and I would have to spend my entire life with this monkey unmarried. I could live with that, and people like RuPaul should do the same.
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monkey fucker
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